Why it works…the answer is already in your skin….

Instead of bogging you down with the intricacies of the science—because we could go deep, we’d rather provide you with a high level-overview, and then the benefits. So, let’s discuss the endocannabinoid system and our bodies.

The name itself is a combination “endo” of endogenous referencing from within or internal, and our bodies naturally present cannabinoids, with its named derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, your everyday Marijuana plant. Together, after decades of research have come to describe a new system dubbed the Endocannabinoid System. Amazingly found in all organisms!

The main cannabinoid receptors studied, (CB1 and CB2), have been discovered within our skin, the body’s largest organ, leading to the increased use of components derived from cannabis or other organic cannabinoid producers such as cannabidiol (CBD found within hemp oil) within therapeutic treatments for a wide array of conditions, from average skincare concerns to extreme ailments or disorders such as cancer. Before going further, it is important that the CBD or cannabidiol oil being utilized is a non-psychoactive component, meaning the only “buzz” you are left with is your own joy in life, knowing you are taking care of you.

The CB1 and CB2 receptors affect the body through different systems. These natural receptors allow for the absorption to be spot specific versus an immediate absorption into the bloodstream, possibly compromising overall or maximum effectiveness to the area being treated. CB1 affects the nervous system, connective tissue, our glands and other organs, including the brain. The chemical component of the Cannabis Sativa plant, that causes the expected “high”, is absent, so the binder to the CB1 receptors focus on pain relief and inflammation, among other associations. CB2 is responsive within the immune system and hematopoietic cells—the stem cells to our blood cells.

Other plants containing cannabinoids, which provide beneficial uses, to name a few include, complements of herb.co;

  1. Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) effective at inflammatory properties in treating ailments such as arthritis and osteoporosis, in addition to recent studies showing it can also boost the effectiveness of cancer treatment drugs.
  2. Coneflower (Echinacea) for your immune system’s pain/inflammation response.
  3. Chocolate (Theobroma Cacao) everyone’s favorite cure all… It’s mood enhancing happiness properties, interact favorably with the endocannabinoid system as a booster.
  4. Electric Daisy (Acmella Olercea) an effective painkiller, for toothaches of all things.
  5. Clove is
  6. Helichrysum Umbraculigerum, a native South African Daisy, containing canabigerol in large quantities. Despite the name like all the plants listed, this floral lovely does not contain THC, but it does provide anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory benefits.
  7. Liverwort (Radula Marginata) actual contains a substance similar to THC calls perrottetinenic acid, yet there haven’t been any psychoactive effects reported for the use of liverwort. The plant itself has been used for bronchitis, gallbladder, liver and bladder problem treatments.

There are many others, but that’s another blog. As spaced out as this all may sound, this is not a promotion to stay baked—remember the aging process is all about inflammation. However, when considering the more extreme beauty regimes, you must consider the harsh additives, from chemicals and harsh surgeries that are pushed our way, in hopes of achieving either the ideal beauty image to address various concerns, cannabinoid knowledge seems not only beneficial but also a non-abrasive option, with the possibility of leaving you in a welcoming and pampered state versus the poking and prodding. In addition, knowing the CBD additive can address various sensitives in treating spot specific areas, where treatment may be needed most for varied ailments, it just seems a natural thought to lean in and allow it to work nature’s magic.
